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5 Quick Tips to Help You Survive High School!

The beginning of a new school year can be quite stressful, specially if you're just transitioning into High School. However, it can be a little less overwhelming with a little bit of knowledge and direction!


  • Make lots of friends! This is key to having a great High School experience! If you have a hard time making friends in the classroom why not join some clubs or sports teams? Participating in after school activities is a great way to meet new people that may have the same interest as you! But make sure your closest friends are trustworthy ones! You don't want friends that will cause trouble and unnecessary drama as they might distract you from what's really important.

  • Make sure to know your resources! Know who to go to when you have a question! In Kensington High School we have a staff that is devoted to the students! It is guaranteed to find at least one person that knows the answer. The counselor, the principal, or even the teacher next door to your science class! Make sure to explore to know where to go when in doubt!

  • `Be kind! Being the "nice kid" in High School can bring you a long way. It will keep you from making too many enemies and help gain beneficial connections. Helping a peer with their classwork may result in them returning the favor later in the school year. Not only that, being kind will also just make you feel good about yourself in the long-run. A simple act of kindness can defuse negative emotions. So, next time you feel cranky one morning why not just compliment the lunch lady?

  • Stay organized and don't procrastinate! Homework is important! There are some teachers that may even count it as test grades! I understand that the PS4 is calling your name, but you can shoot down enemies once you murder that homework! Make sure you have a system to effectively keep track of homework, projects, or even events. The internet has many great tips on how to stay organized. Ex: suggest to keep a planner, "Its pages can hold homework assignments, doctor's appointments, club meetings, sports practices, parties, and more.

  • Participate! The best thing a student can do their four years in High School is actively participating! Keeping up with school news and events is a great way to communicate with new people and take risk. Taking risks is important to find hidden potential and a career path to pursue. Many students in Kensington High School take risks and find great opportunities. Students are actively participating in fundraisers and competitions that would be beneficial to their futures,

Many of our sports teams, programs, and after school activities can be found in the "activities" page! Let the 2016-2017 School Year Begin

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